Heavenly Father has been so good to me. I really couldn´t ask for anything else. This month the zone had more baptisms and confirmations than we have had in at least the last 4 years. I was blessed to do 4 days of divisions with elder Aguilar from Michoacán, Mexico. We saw so many miracles - including 2 baptisms that came out of the blue. On Saturday, President George called us and asked us to accompany him to San Cristóbal (the best part of the mission, which I have never before seen) to speak at EFY. We leave in the afternoon. This week I will start in San Cristobal, then I´ll have leadership council, then a zone training, then divisions in Tonalá, then divisions in Azteca, then Sunday, then it's back to Tuxtla for my exit interview and temple visit. It's going to go by fast.
Thanks for your emails.
Andee - haha, I hope you don´t get too bored in the house. haha. Thanks for the pictures. I´ve noticed that in every picture you have sent me Roy is wearing a v neck haha. He used to mock me, now he honors me haha. just kidding. Don´t you worry. I´be working my ghetto booty off this week. I´ll finish strong.
Dad - Congratulations to Josh Gathro. Robert Wadlow was legit! ha. I hope you have a good week in Ohio. Like I said before, I´ll be on the road as well. I didn´t get the Wolfsheim reference. I apologize.
1. Did you have a great Missionary Week?
- an A number 1 super winner week.
2. Would you have any use for a car in Provo, or do you live so close to campus that it would be unnecessary?
- haha. A tandem bike will suffice haha. Plus I´m an expert in public transportation now.
3. Do you and the missionaries ever sing in Sacrament Meeting?
- No. I have never seen a special musical number in a sacrament meeting here. We have sung in baptismal services, though.
4. As a relief from the heat, so you ever eat popsicles or similar frozen things?
- I don´t have any money haha. If I did I would buy bolis (which is a frozen little bag filled with some fruit concoction. They usually cost 2 pesos. There are also chocobananas - also 2 pesos.
5. Tell us something nice about your companion.
- He is really good at soccer. And he is always super excited to do missionary work. It's nice not to have to drag someone along.
6. Tell us about someone you are currently teaching.
- Josefina is great. She married an inactive member (let me correct that - she started living with an inactive member) 20 years ago. About a month ago we found her though a contact. She and her husband have since gone to church 5 times, their daughter was baptized, their son is going to be baptized soon, and two family friends will also be baptized. Josefina is going to get married this Friday and baptized this Saturday.
7. What was the farthest distance you got from your house this week?
- Pijijiapan for a baptismal interview.
8. We tried to find your house, based upon the directions you gave last week. We found Zapta school. Are you right next to a Consultorio Medico?
-No, it's next to a printing shop.
Love you dad! have a great week.
Mom - Hi. Sounds like I´ll be going home to a new house. The Bible does have lots of sad stories like that. I hate the story of David. It's so tragic. I´m looking forward to some nice 90 degree days haha. I think the thermostat idea is the most heinous thing I´ve ever heard haha. I´ll pray for you :) You´ll do great, don´t worry about it. Boyd K. Packer gave a little talk about teaching by the Spirit in the Work of Salvation broadcast. He says sometimes his mind is just completely blank haha. I can identify with that haha. But it always turns out just fine. I love you Mom!
Roy - I call dibs on destroying the Tobisha! haha. We have a great tradition of destroying each other´s laptops. I avoid playing soccer haha. I´m a disgrace to the Roth name. I likewise was rubbush when I was called and I´m rubbish now haha. (What car did Jeremy describe like that.) I´ll be sure to keep it within the margin of error haha. jokes. Obedience is good.
The wonderful zona Tonalá. With President and Sister George and the assistants. (the two on the outside.) |