Hi Everyone!
I am loving the
MTC. Sorry it’s taken so long for you to
hear from me. I have the latest possible
P-day, but from now on you will get my emails every Friday. The MTC is an amazing place....these last 10
days have been pretty intense. I'll walk you through them:
Wednesday: Clad with
my freshly minted Nametag with a special edition orange dot that tells
everybody I'm clueless I started my mission. I met my companion, Elder Scott
(he is a cool guy and really easy to get along with) We had a meeting with the
MTC presidency which was pretty good. My
favorite part was singing Called To Serve, We'll Bring The World His Truth, and
Hark All Ye Nations with all 500 of the new missionaries. Then we had some smaller meetings with about
30 missionaries where we went to different classrooms teaching investigators.
Thursday: We really
got going. On Thursday we had a lesson
with our teacher, Hermano Miller. He
taught some basic Spanish but mostly we talked about our purpose. This is (FYI) to invite others to come unto
Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through Faith in Jesus
Christ and his Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy
Ghost, and enduring to the end. We also learned about our first investigator,
Gabi Garcia.
Friday: We taught our
first lesson...in Spanish. They really
throw you into the thick of it here. I
was surprised that they had us teaching in our language so quickly. But I was even more surprised to see that our
lesson went well and we could understand, and say most of the stuff we wanted
to say.
I don't actually have
enough time to go through the rest of the days but they were busy and fun! Sunday was awesome: our Branch President is
totally awesome and he taught us a very good lesson in our priesthood meeting.
Sacrament was a bit frightening because everyone has to prepare a talk in Spanish
and then they call on you from the pulpit right before your talk. I wasn't chosen to show off my 3 days worth of
Spanish knowledge...but I was asked to play the piano. Later that night we listened to a recorded
talk by Jeffrey R. Holland called "Missions are forever!" I love
to listen to him. He had some pretty
good lines in there, I'm not sure if you can see/read it, it might just be
an MTC thing. In case you can't
here are some of the highlights: He talked about Ammon starting to
astonish the King's men and the King and talked about how we have the same
authority he did and that we can have the same power. Then in his classic stern manner he
commanded us, "Elders and Sisters astonish somebody!" It was powerful stuff.
Then on Tuesday Elder
Anderson came to talk to us. I got to sing in the choir which was super
cool. We sang "Behold The Wounds In Jesus’ Hands" which is
an incredible song. Elder Anderson bore powerful witness of the Savior that I
hope I will never forget. In fact,
pretty much every day here I experience something I hope I will never forget.
To answer dad's
questions there were 5 missionaries on the flight and one of them was a returning
missionary. In my defense though, there
was a flight to SLC that left an hour earlier that had more missionaries on it.
I did get to see Lambert and that was totally awesome! He seems to be doing
really well and he seemed to speak to me with ease. Spanish is going well, I am beyond my high
school abilities already.
I'm running out of
time here but I just want to say thanks for your letters. Thanks to AD, R, B,
and L for their packages. Those cookies were sooo good. I love you all, Thanks
for your letters. Sorry I don't have
more time...I have much more to say.
This has been an
amazing week and each day just gets better. I know this gospel is true and I love to share
it. In 1 Nephi 20 it talks about the gentiles carrying the house of Israel in
their arms and on their shoulders. I
can't wait to do that!
I love you all,
Elder Clark Roth
Sounds like he is loving it! I'm so proud of that kid. I'm sending him a package today that he should get tonight!! I can't wait to hear more from him :)