Well this week has been pretty dandy. On Tuesday I changed areas, and I´m here sweating my guts out in Tapachula. The trip was pretty sweet, it was about 5 and a half hours in a nice bus with air conditioning. The Mexican country side is unbelievably beautiful. My new companion is named Elder Huitrón. He´s from Durango, Mexico and is awesome. Its so nice to be with an obedient and hard working companion! haha. We had a really good week. We met a new investigator Tuesday night, and have already taught him 4 times. I have never seen anyone so ready to accept the gospel. He´s 18 years old and works selling water downtown (he rides the little nacho libre tricycle around) haha. Before we were able to invite him to baptism he said, ¨he pensado un poquito, y no sé si sea posible pero quisiera ser Mormón.¨ (I've thought a bit, and I´m not sure if its possible, but I´d like to be Mormon.) Needless to say he accepted the baptismal invitation. haha. I love that man. :)
Well, I´ll get on to answering your emails.
Dad : Contrary to what the weather app says, it is so much hotter here. Perhaps the temperature is a bit cooler but its so humid. I had to buy a sweat rag, and I walk around with it in my back pocket all day. At night I sleep with the fan blowing directly at me and I don´t use covers and I still wake up sweating. Its pretty sweet! haha. Guess how much our rent costs! 800 pesos a month. That's like 2 bucks a day! haha, and you get what you pay for...we don't have flushing toilets the floor is just concrete, and it smells something fierce. But I´m happy to be here. Its seriously such a pleasure to be a missionary. The bus system is fantastic, in fact I would rather ride a bus here than in the US. This week we had a conference with Elder Benjamin de Hoyos which was pretty incredible. He challenged us to read the Book of Mormon is 85 days (the time it took Joseph to translate it) and a bunch of other things. I have to work like crazy every waking hour to do everything he told us to do, buts that's how it should be. He told us that we are God´s investigators, and as such we are to keep every commitment that we extend to our investigators so that we, like them, can become truly converted. But other than our conferences we keep in touch with our leaders by phone. My first Sunday was pretty good, the members here are pretty hilarious. And our pool of investigators is pretty solid, but as always we are trying to find more :)
Mom: I'm glad to hear that your mission was a success and you're back in the good ole Florida. Those chocolates are so good! haha. Nothing like a bit of church rumors. People are ridiculous. Thanks a billion for the update on Kel; I can't believe she can write that much in 30 minutes! Nor can I believe that she figured out how to send pictures from the MTC. But that just goes to show that she, unlike me, is intelligent, and in spite of that has chosen to like a complete delk. haha. HAHA lol at dad´s antics. I love you two!
Roy and Andee : Hahahaha, why did I have to miss Roy barfing out of a car at 80 mph!!?? Sometimes the sacrifices of a mission are tough haha. Roy, how could you be getting bored of your classes, they are so bomb! Especially if you have Prof. Burton for comp sci. haha. Thanks for the quote AD, I'm working hard everyday to be who I want to become. :)
Well I hope all is well back in the states (I say that completely ignorant of how things actually are there). Things are great here in Southern Mexico. Have a wonderful week! Brethren, Pray for us :)
Elder Clark Roth