Hey Family!
Well I´ve got some exciting news this week! Tomorrow I´ll be heading down to Tapachula, to a ward called Vista Hermosa (Beautiful View). I´m totally thrilled! Just so you know, Tapachula is known to be the hottest place on the face of planet earth and I´ll be spending April and May there, which are the hottest months here. Bring it on baby!! haha. This week was so awesome! Yesterday in church we had 3 confirmations and I got to be the voice of one of them (it was the first time I´ve confirmed a member of the church) and my companion and I got to speak. It went pretty well I thought, I talked about how to successfully participate as a member missionary, and I told the members how much I love them. I didn´t know then that I would be leaving the ward, but it felt like a nice farewell. I´ll really miss this area, I´ll for sure always remember it. In my 5 months here I´ve learned so much (including a foreign language). I can´t believe how fast the time has gone! But I´m ready to meet new people and for new some new challenges down in Tapachula. :)
My first missionary house. 798A Calle Mango, Albania Baja, TXG, Chiapas. Good times! |
Our trash heap |
This is how happy I am to be a missionary |
As promised - my tan line on my arm. Its even worse than it looks in the picture haha. |
RAD: I hope you guys watched the clip where they add the censoring to the over ninethousand thing. It is soo funny haha. Its always a pleasure to hear of the haps at BYU. I look upon that school as heaven on earth! haha. Its so cool that you are working in the temple, and don´t worry about messing up Andee. I wish you could hear some of the ridiculous things I´ve said here. (For example the other day someone asked me if we eat tortillas in the USA and I told them que si pero por lo general solamente comemos tortillas de arena. in English - we usually eat sand tortillas. (arena = sand, harina = flour). It doesn´t sound that bad now, but I felt pretty stupid. haha its all good though, I try to embrace the fool that I am. But to answer your question I´d estimate a solid 2500 tortillas so far. Soon I´ll be over 9000 too. :)
Dad: No question marks!!! haha. Its cool that you could be a part of some southern worshiping haha. I never told you guys about our Stake Christmas program here. It was a bit dry until the primary kids danced to an incredibly inappropriate song in English (obviously they didn´t know it was bad). My fellow missionaries just laughed and shook our heads. Its seriously so funny to be here and know the people. They are seriously so lovable. haha. I can´t say that I´ve gained a profound understanding of Mexican music. It all sounds pretty ridiculous to me haha. We had the same lesson down here, but unfortunately it turned into a discussion about the sons of perdition. It reminded me of Roy talking about the dodgy doctrine in Elder´s quorum during his mission. haha. But its all good. The church is still true.
I´m ecstatic to hear that Tom is a trainer. I think about him often and know that he is an incredible missionary. I have no doubt that he teaches by the Spirit and has a profound impact on all who listen to him. BTW, could you ask Henry Molina where his parents live in TXG. I´ll pass the referral on to the elders there.
Well thats about all for this week. Tomorrow I´ll be spending about 7 hours in a bus heading down to Tapachula. Hopefully things go better for me than they went for Tanner haha. Well, I love you all a ton. Have a súper semana!
Elder Roth
Hi Wendy, can you believe the lovebirds are both on missions?? Crazy :) Clark sounds like he is doing great! I send out an email to certain people when I've updated Mikele's blog with her emails--would you like me to add you to the mailing list? Let me know! carlyjo90@gmail.com