1. Did you get some pictures from me? I hope so. I don't know what type of Internet speed you get there, so I sent them medium size.
Thanks for the awesome pictures Mom and Dad. My comp and I are both very jealous of the view from your hotel room. Soooo sweet.
View of Niagara's Horseshoe Falls from Canada side - 23 stories up! |
One thing I really miss is grass. There is hardly any patches of green grass. (the natural man in me just starting humming ´´Where The Green Grass Grows´´).
This week was good (if you haven´t noticed yet, every week is good). Unfortunately we lost one of our best investigators, Aaron. He´s been on the verge of getting baptized for so long. We taught a great lesson about the atonement, and he still didn´t budge. We had to drop him. But I´m confident he´ll come to his senses. In other news, its not really that hot anymore.
I played some more soccer this morning, I gotta admit it's really fun. Of course you guys know that my favorite sport is whichever one I was playing last. I´m obsessed. I spent my language study today asking my companion to teach me soccer terms. ha.
Dad - You pegged it on the Book of Mormon. Its a copy in Tzotzil.
It's not complete though, it's only about 170 pages. My companion was in a place called San Jose Tepeyac before he came, and he learned Tzotzil. The only problem is that it isn't a written language, they improvised a way to write it, but most of the Tzotzils can´t read. I´m glad you´re enjoying your vacation. Too bad the Cougars lost, but at least the score is far less embarrassing than last time. If I had been there I´m sure they would have won.
2. Are you still able to get fresh fruit at reasonable prices? How would you grade your nutrition?
2. The fruit is pretty cheap, at least the fruit that comes from Chiapas. Most of the apples are from the US so they are a bit spendy, but I buy them anyway. My diet is pretty good. I eat lots of rice, beans, tortillas, lentils, chicken, sometimes I eat cereal for breakfast sometimes eggs. I try to switch it up as much as I can.
3. How much difference do you find in tortillas? Are they still your main dietary staple?
3. Most tortillas are created equal. There are taco tortillas, which are a bit smaller and oval shaped. I had some a few weeks ago that taste like the ones from the mexi store near the house. Those are the best!
4. How do you anticipate the 5 visit rule will impact the Missionary work in your area?
4. Hopefully with 5 visits before baptism there will be fewer less actives. We are hoping it will improve the quality of missionary work. I think it does.
5. Tell us about your companion
5. My companion is Elder Torres from Oaxaca. We've been together 9 weeks and we get along great. He is a convert, the only member from his family. He got baptized 2 years ago. He´s super funny and sounds like Steven from Nacho Libre. I love him!
Enjoy the rest of your vacation. Love you dad.
Mom - I laughed out loud when you said you bailed on the Stake Conference haha. Classic. It's sweet that you were in Joseph Smith's house 190 after Moroni´s visit. I´d really like to go see those church history sites. I´m sure you´ll enjoy Kirtland. I´m sure you two are a bit more prudent than Roy and I. Our trip to Nauvoo was pretty funny. We got lost about 20 times, and were about to take a gravel farm road, but Roy babied out haha. It was good fun though. I haven´t gotten any Dear Elders for a while but they usually come in bunches. And then all the other missionaries get jealous. haha. Have a wonderful week. Love you mom!
Well I guess I don´t have too much to write today. Things are pretty much the same as always. I´m super tired, but that's ok.
Love you guys.
Elder Roth :)