Hi there,
Welp, we´ve had another good week. You´ll be pleased to know that the owner of the internet place is rocking out to some Bon Jovi ballads as I write this...haha these people crack me up. I´m thrilled to hear about all the good tidings back in Amurica.
Good job mom! Dad said you totally slayed it (I imagine in the Randy Jackson voice from American idol...I always love it when dad gets in touch with his darker side haha.)
Roy - you´ve exceeded even my expectations, I´m glad to hear the netbook is no more. Now you can use it to play duck, duck, brick, or ring around the brick...ask Wills if you need any more information about games played with bricks.
Dad - I´m so glad to hear that cursed tree is no more, hopefully the yard trash guys come soon so we don´t get charged with stacking lumber again in the neighborhood - we can´t afford any more of these grievous violations.
Mikele - Finally! I´m sure happy you enjoyed the letters. I sent you another one last week, but I have my doubts as to whether it will get there before you flee...I mean leave SLC.
Dad´s questions for me this week were :
1. Have you had opportunity to sing? Either in a choir or otherwise.
-I´ve sung a little bit. When I was with Elder Reyes we sang in some of our lessons when children wouldn´t behave or it was otherwise difficult to teach. Now with Elder Martinez we don´t sing much because he is literally the most tone deaf person I have ever seen. And mercifully we haven´t had any choir performances...I really wish you could understand the suffering that is music in the church in Mexico.
2. How much time do you spend tracting? What is your door approach?
- Almost none. We aren´t allowed to knock doors, and street contacting isn´t super successful (not to mention it is really hot outside). For the most part we just talk to people on our way to lessons, or on the combi. I try to change up the approach, but I almost always talk about the family and relate it to the restoration.
3. What have you been doing for haircuts?
-there is a little salon down the street from me that charges 35 pesos. But my comp just bought a trimmer so I am going to (foolishly) put my confidence in him later today.
Well for a little update on the work:
We have an investigator named Maria (everyone here is named Maria). I think she is about 22 and apparently she had some problems with drugs before. She was a reference from a member of our ward. Our first lesson we taught the gospel of Jesus Christ (normally the 3rd lesson; consists of: through Christ we can be free from sin, faith, repentance, baptism, gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end). We taught her with the sister who had given us the reference and has been her friend since she was 10. She told us after the lesson that she had never seen her friend smile like that, she had never seen her so happy. The word was delicious to her like it says in Alma 32:28,
Now, we will compare the word unto a seed.
Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart,
behold, if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief,
that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, behold, it will begin to swell within your breasts;
and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves—
It must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good,
for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea,
it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea,
it beginneth to be delicious to me.
and the word of God had healed her wounded soul like Jacob 2:8
And it supposeth me that they have come up hither to hear the pleasing word of God, yea,
the word which healeth the wounded soul.
We invited her to be baptized and she said with a smile, ´´of course.´´
An Awkward Picture with Patsy |
Roberto |
Luis |
Oh and to answer Mikele´s question from last week: I kick it to a pink iPod mini, the very same one that Roy used on his mission, and if memory serves correct Wilford Woodruff also used it during his mission. (in case that joke isn´t funny at all, i´m trying to say its really old.)
Well I love you all. Thanks for the emails and prayers. You rock my proverbial socks.
Con amor,
Elder Clark Roth
Looking back - Clark's best friend in the MTC - Elder Murphey |
An MTC original - Elder Roth with the first Missionary to serve from Nepal |