Things are rocking on as always here in the TX gizzle. This week was pretty awesome - we encountered 3 different families, and all of them seem pretty solid. I´m really excited to work with them. You´re receiving this email later than normal because today we had a multi-zone activity. We went to the Cañon de Sumidero. Pictures will be coming next week. Its one of the big tourist spots in Chiapas, and its in my proselyting area! Its was pretty wicked. I also got to go on divisions with Elder Northrup (pretty much my bestie haha) which was way fun. Also I had my first plate of chicharrón this week. What is that you ask. In a word, two words, pig skin. You just fry it up and throw it in a taco. Certainly not one of my favorite meals here. I feel like I´m sounding really whiny today. Sorry bout that. In all honesty I´m thrilled to be here and loving every minute of the mission.
Welp, I suppose I´ll get to responding to your emails.
Mikele - sounds like our missions are fairly similar in terms of living conditions. Embrace the terribleness! haha. I truly cannot explain in words the disdain I have for stray dogs. (Did I tell you I saw one get hit by a combi? - it was a bit gruesome.) I´m impressed that you are picking up the Spanish so fast - good job! ...I love you! P.S. glad to hear I´ve survived two marriage proposals. :)
Dad - My favorite sacrament talk opening is still the good ole fashioned J Golden Kimball, ¨Brothers and Sisters, God only knows what I am going to say today.¨ ha makes me chuckle every time. I´m totally crushed to herar that the old lawn mower is no more. I was hoping it would get passed down to me haha.
1. What type of electronic aids do you have? Apparently, some elders in the US are experimenting with iPads. Supposedly, they can be used for the Area book. I am guessing your mission will not be passing them out anytime soon.
- We have a cell phone with a pay as you go plan. thats pretty much it. I´m glad we don´t have an iPad or anything like that.
2. How many Sacrament talks have you had the opportunity to give thus far?
- 0. The ward I am in now is relatively strong. I give the lesson in gospel principles every other week but other than that I don´t play to big of a role in our church meetings. That is very different for the missionaries who are assigned to little pueblos.
3. Compare and contrast a typical Fast and Testimony Sacrament meeting in TGZ vs. USA.
- Pretty similar. They both go over time. They both have some very awkward moments that make you glad you aren´t presiding. We have some amazing members in our ward that were pioneers in the church here in Mexico. Its always a joy to listen to their testimonies.
4. Is there much in the way of sight seeing opportunities on P-Day? Or will that not happen until you get out of the city?
- Other than the Cañon de Sumidero there isn´t too much to see in Tuxtla. We might go the zoo one of these days with our bishop though. :)
Roy and Andee - I´m so jealous of the snow you have this year!! Thanks for your emails and for being awesome. Andee, your Arizona state comment was hilarious haha. It´s great to hear that you marched a two guys off the court - lets be honest that's more fun than winning. haha. Keep on rockin!
Mom - Tú eres trabajador! I can´t believe that you find a way to get all your work done. I hadn´t realized that you would be in Utah so long, have fun! Haha that story about dad and the brakes cracked me up. It reminds me of Roy telling dad about how the gas pedal clicks when you put it to the floor hahaha. What a delk! I love you!
I love you all a ton! I wouldn´t mind it if in the next package you sent me some aloe vera, I don´t think they sell it here. The sun is seriously so powerful - 5 minutes in it and you´re burnt. But no hurry. Thanks for the support and laughs. I hope you all have a fantastic week.
Hasta luego,
Elder Güerito aka Roth.
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