Well, another good week this week. This Thursday we had a meeting with our Mission President which was pretty awesome. He´s a funny funny dude. Dad, I saw Elder Peterson in the conference, he is serving in Ciudad Higaldo, the southernmost city in Mexico. He seems to be doing well. Be sure to tell his dad that we met.
Well, I don´t have too much exciting stuff to report. Unfortunately Iveth didn´t get baptized this week, but she´s got a date for this Saturday, and her sister is working on getting married so she can get baptized too. Good stuff.
I´ve got a new homework assignment for you guys. I´m about 99.999 percent certain there won´t be a street view, but look up Lumijá on Google Maps. Its my favorite part of the area. Its seriously soo poor. We don´t even ask for water there, because they just have no money. Its awesome haha!
There actually is a labor day here, its May 1st. Basically everybody just blocks all the streets and complains that they don´t make enough money. Its good fun :) haha.
Mom - You gotta love the last minute sacrament special musical numbers haha. I can assure you that if you were to perform it here the people would be in shock and awe. Good music doesn´t exist here. My companion and I were asked to teach in elder´s quorum about the temple with a solid 16 seconds of notice. It went pretty well I think, but who knows! My birthday is indeed coming up, but I don´t really need anything. ummm, well, beef jerky is really good, and they don´t have it here. But other than that nothing. ohh! wait! Peanut butter too! haha. I love you mom! Have a killer week and enjoy your anniversary!
Dad - It´s good to hear you haven´t sold the M5 haha. Your sentence, ´´Not entirely sure I did not break anything, we shall see´´ made me crack up. haha. I also laughed out loud when you said you were going to teach Andee the legend of Arrowhet haha. Don´t forget about the tail of the dragon. There are relatively few things I miss as a missionary, but one of them is Williamson Brothers BBQ. Be sure to live it up. How are the Braves doing?
Tell us about your strategy for the sweat rag.
haha I have many. Our freezer is relatively worthless, but produces an impressive amount of frost so sometimes I cover it with frost and then wipe my face. Sometimes I soak it in water so it cools me off a bit more. And sometimes I forget it in the house and use my sleeve instead haha.
How often do you speak your Mother Tongue?
Almost never. I help my companion learn English in the morning, and other than that its purely Spanish. Ohh and sometimes I talk to drunk people in English just to mess with them haha.
What kind of stuff do you talk to your companion about, other than Missionary stuff?
haha, I´m glad you asked because I have a funny story. My companion had a recent convert in his last ward that says the funniest stuff ever. (things that Roy would call dodgy doctrine - but if we´re honest its just straight up apostasy haha) For example, he said since Jesus Christ is both the father and the son that makes God the Father his grandpa, and that faith is a substance that flows between people, and he also complained that the bishop still hasn´t paid him for his service as ward secretary haha. So pretty much we just talk about him between lessons. Haha well not always. We talk about sports, school, English, Spanish, pretty much everything.
What is the best thing you have done on P-day in the last two transfers?
Our Pdays are pretty boring to be honest because we take about 4 hours washing clothes. I never want to hand wash clothes again in my life! haha. Its all good though. Seriously though all we do is write our family, buy food, wash clothes, and then we run out of time.
What is the store OXXO? I am guessing a drug store type of thing?
OXXO is a c-store. There are more of them than there are Mormon chapels in Utah. Its ridiculous. My companion said its because the owner of the store is the son of a former president of Mexico, and there was some shady business that got it to be so big.
Have a great week dad, I love you!
Kel - I love you - thanks for the email, unfortunately I can´t write you back. But I´m going to send you a few letters next week I think. I hope you have a great week!
Well,I guess thats all for this week. I love you guys. Talk to you later