Well another fantastic week in Mexico has come to its close. To fill you in on the transfer calls from last week, my new companion is named Elder Salgado. He is from Guerrero Mexico and before he came to this area he was in Panteló, speaking Tzo Tzil. He is so awesome! Far and away my favorite companion so far. We are living the good life.
I´m really excited to get to talk to you guys this week. We are planning to call Saturday evening around 7 o'clock our time. We should be able to Skype, but be prepared for anything. haha. I´m seriously loving life and can´t wait to tell you guys how awesome it is being in the best mission in the world. Also be sure to ask for an impersonation of my Bishop's voice because it is hilarious. haha.
Congratulations to Tanner and thanks for the picture of the Orlando temple. I have fond memories of the Thursdays I spent there. Its a bummer to hear that BYU volleyball lost, but the inner Samoan in me is thrilled to hear that BYU rugby has once again dominated the world of college rugby. Words cannot describe my love for BYU sports...
Welp, to get on to answering your emails:
Dad - I don´t think I know Elder Peterson yet, but I´ll be sure to keep an eye out. If he is in ciudad Higaldo then he is in the other stake of Tapachula, and I should see him if we have a mission conference this transfer cycle.
Questions, there are always questions:1. Are you still drinking bottled water? Any bags? What about all the crazy Mexican sodas that we see here at the tienda's? Do you get those too?
-I´m certainly still drinking bottled water. In the new house we moved into we use water from a well, and the owner said you can drink it, but he seems a bit shady to me (haha just kidding, but I still don´t trust him). Every once in a while I buy a bag of water haha. It still makes me chuckle every time I see them. As for the crazy Mexican sodas, I don´t really know. People here drink a ridiculous amount of Coke and Fanta, but there isn´t anything too weird.
2. I really enjoyed the pictures you sent of the fish dinner. What was the story behind that dinner?
-There isn´t a great story behind the fish lunch to be honest. haha. Its perfectly normal here to eat fish like that. As for the comment I made about the gills being a bit gritty - its true I tried them. But I don´t think its normal to eat them. But I thought, ¨when else will I have a chance like this?¨ and gave it a try.
3. I mentioned the Tree of Life Stella in your area to the Spackman's and they knew about it. But they did say the theory has been pretty well debunked. However, does being in real BOM land come up in your teaching very often?
-To be honest I was never too convinced about the Tree of Life stella either, but I thought it was cool that its here in Tapachula. We always talk about the Book of Mormon being a record of the people in the Americas, but since we don´t really know where Lehi landed, etc., we try to avoid speculation. That said there are some people here that seem to fit the Lamanite description perfectly - run around in loin clothes, bloodthirsty, and when converted, the most devoted Latter-day Saint there could ever be. Its pretty cool!
4. The TPC golf tournament is this week, so Ponte Vedra Beach is heating up for the national media. Who do you pick?
-My money is definitely on Boo Weekly (that's his name right?) haha.
5. What have you been told of the rainy season there? Pretty wet?
-The rainy season is supposed to start in May but not a drop has fallen so far. It is sooo hot and humid, I seriously am dying. From what I have heard the rainy season is pretty intense. Bring it on baby!
Mom - I miss American style tacos. (don´t tell any Mexicans, but they are better!) haha. I have been quite healthy here in Tapachula. The air is much cleaner and its really a nicer place to be. I´m totally down for the Dear Elder idea. I´m excited to talk to you this week and wish you a happy Mothers Day in advance! I love you!
RAD - sorry to combine my repsonse to you two, but I´m running low on time and I´m too cheap to spend an extra 2 pesos for 15 more minutes haha. jokes...kinda. Have a rocking Spring Term! I´m thrilled to hear that you watched Nacho Libre. When I come home we will have to arrange a night to watch it so I can explain just how true it is. haha. I´m glad to hear you got a bike Andee, I´m so jealous. I would kill for a bike here. YESSS! I´m so glad to hear Tbird is going on a mission and from very early on I´ve been thinking about how funny it would be to hear him speak Spanish haha! In the words of Jason Mraz, Life is Wonderful. Keep on rocking!
Before I forget I´ve gotta tell you something funny. We live on the second floor of a small house. The owner of the house lives downstairs and spends his nights watching soccer. Literally every night our planning session is interrupted by the world famous
It cracks me up! My life just gets funnier and funnier everyday. Ohh and a solid 40% of the people we pass in the street have a machete in their hands. It kinda freaks me out haha. If I´m lucky maybe one of my converts will give me his grandmothers lucky machete. haha.
I love you all. Be good! have a smashing semana. I can´t wait to talk to you on Saturday!
Elder Roth
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