What´s up? Well, things are going pretty well here...kinda. My new area is suffering, there are pretty much no investigators, our ward doesn´t have a Bishop, my companion is...interesting, and one of the sisters in the district hates me haha :) (but seriously I think she hates me). It was a pleasure to read your emails this week as always, and thanks for the happy birthday wishes. I hope you had a good Father´s Day dad. And if I had one wish then it would be a happy happy birthday to Mikele from me...or a washing machine...tough choice haha. jokes.
I´m learning a lot in my new area. My companion doesn´t speak very good Spanish so its kinda up to me to do a bunch of stuff. But its all good. I´ve gotten a lot of positive comments on my Spanish which makes me feel good.
As usual I don´t really have anything to report, just the same old stuff. One of the more interesting things that happened this week was when a crazy dude contacted us and told us that we were ruining the world. He then made up some scriptures that don´t exist, and told us to call Obama and tell him to invent a tree that grows money. (If you happen to see him, please send him the memo). He then proceeded to tell us that we have no authority to be there, at which point I took over the conversation using the famous MTC line for inspiration ´´we do not bash, we do not bash, we do not bash, but when we bash, we win.´´ Well, we won...haha. Its fun to be a missionary.
Well I´ll respond to your emails...
Grandma Roth - Thanks for the birthday wishes, and I´m thrilled to hear that you read my emails. I am happier than ever and God has certainly blessed me abundantly. I hope you have a great week! I can´t sign off without inviting you to read the Book of Mormon. Its true and it has shaped my life. Please read it and ask God if its true.
Carly - Haha I´m glad my emails are good for a few laughs. My life here is hilarious. The time has certainly flown by and I expect the upcoming months to flee just as quickly, and I´m absolutely positive I will be forever grateful for these 2 years. I´m glad to hear you and Jared went to St. Augustine, not too far away from my old stomping grounds haha. ´´Working is the pits´´ haha that made me crack up. I´m glad to hear that your enjoying your ward and helping the missionaries out. What I would give to have a converted, young married couple help us out. It would work miracles here. Enjoy the good life, and keep on rocking! Love you!
Dad - You didn´t tell me that Bud is getting sealed!! That's awesome! I´m glad to hear your were able to watch some Miami Vice. There are few if any days that pass by without me thinking, ´´I can dig tropical, but this is outta bounds´´ haha.
1. Tell us about your new location, living arrangements, etc.
- I live in an apartment, its better than my last house by a little bit. The best part is that there is a lavandería (what is that in English?) in the block next to ours so that saves me from waking up a 5 am to start washing my clothes :).
2. What is it like to have an English speaking companion? What percent of the time to you speak E vs. S when you are just speaking to him?
- Having an English speaking companion is a bit rough. We speak in Spanish 100% of the time, but I miss my last companion. haha.
3. Do you know your address? If so, please send
- I don´t know my address but I´ll be sure to tell you next week.
4. Did you do anything to celebrate your new decade of the 20's?
- Yesterday I ate cake with some members, if I didn´t have the date written at the top of my agenda I would have completely forgotten it was my birthday.
5. What is the new area and Ward like?
- What is the new area and Ward like? - Yikes!! I´m not sure if the President is punishing me or showing trust in me, because this area has been treated very poorly. There is a ton of work to be done. But that's what I came here to do after all. Hopefully we can get the area healthy again before I leave. Have an A number 1 super winner week! :)
Andee-Alba - that's dawn in Spanish. Its a pleasure to hear the Spanish is coming along. Estoy para servirle, and que tenga una bonita tarde might be of use at some point.
How have you come to know Christ better throughout your life and mission?
- How knoweth a man the master whom he hath not served? When we lose ourselves in the service of others we come closer to God. I know Christ better now because I have developed more charity though service. My heart hurts when people sin and I rejoice with others when they do what is right. One of my favorite scriptures is John 15:14 - if you keep my commandments, ye are my friends.
Roy - Haha I´m glad to hear that nerd bootcamp has treated you well. I´m loving the mission. I´d like to hear a little bit about what your mission was like. Could you send me a few thoughts when you have time? Por fa! :)
Mom - I´m certainly enjoying every tortilla. Sometimes in the morning when we leave the house I feel a bit hesitant and tired, but I just go out and work like crazy. And every night when I say my prayers I realize how happy I am and how much I have to be grateful for. It's a crazy life I live. Thanks for the Kel update. Sorry I´m almost out of time. I love you!!
Kel - TQM means te quiero mucho (for others who read this quiero is like love, not want...wouldn´t want to be sketch haha). Pues casi no tengo tiempo. Espero que tengas una buena semana. Gracias por tu carta, me gustó bastante. Hasta 2014 :)
Well, have wonderful weeks. I´ll talk to you next Monday. bye bye
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