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Chancho |
I could hardly contain my excitement ha.
I`ve had some other unexpected experiences lately, for example when I was pooped on by a bird not once but twice during a lesson, or when I baptized a young man in green water because our font is a bit broken. Good times, good times. (unfortunately the youth got sick after his baptism haha). Life is always an adventure here in Mexico.
Thanks for the emails. I gotta say that Thursday was a very ordinary day.
I´m starting to realize how short the mission is though. You gotta take advantage of every second!
Carly - Wow! 2 emails in 2 weeks! Life doesn`t get much better than that! I`m thrilled to hear that you`ve had a proper southern experience. Its the best, right? Perhaps now you can understand why I`m the way I am. ha just kidding. I sure do love my boiled peanuts, high school football, and pecan pies though. Have a great week!
Dad - There are about 7000 questions in your email but I´ll try to hit them all.
I told Michael Daniels that I would get some suggestion for him, from you. So, what can I tell him? He leaves for the MTC in 90 days. Knowing what you know now, what should I tell him so he can be better prepared for a mission to Mexico?
- Advice for Daniels - watch Nacho Libre as often as possible, don`t worry too much about Spanish, and who you are is far more important than anything you´ll ever say. Think about what you want to be able to tell investigators (testimony, promised blessings, spiritual experiences, etc.) and live in such a way that you can declare with honesty that you know those things are true.
Ahh man! I wanna go see the new temple film! I remember Roy telling us about the Isles of Jersey and Guernsey and how the missionaries that go there are forgotten by the mission. Well in this mission Tapachula is Jersey. We live without any of the privileges that the rest of the missionaries enjoy. But its all good. ha.
You inner dialogue...Spanish or English? What percent?
Dreams...Spanish or English?
- I think mostly in Spanish - but it depends what I`m doing. I dream exclusively in Spanish. This morning I was reading something aloud in English and I feel like I have a weird accent. I`m still a more capable speaker in English but Spanish isn`t really a challenge anymore.
I was talking to President Mauerman, of the San Jose Branch. I was talking to him about the corn on the stick concept. He says they put mayonnaise on it, and also some sort of cheese. But that is one of the street vendor foods that you cannot eat, right?
- The corn on a stick from Nacho Libre is one of my biggest temptations ha. Every time I pass by a guy that sells them the natural man in me says, Attack! ha. But so far I´ve held up.
Do you miss swimming? Obviously, you would not be doing it anyway, but do you ever think about swimming?
- I certainly do miss swimming. But luckily with all of my sweat and the crazy rain, I generally walk around completely drenched, so its kinda similar. I think the first thing I'll do when I get home will be jump in the pool. :)
Does it seem like two years ago that you first checked into May Hall? Fond memories?
- I realized that its been 2 years since I started at BYU. The time sure has flown by. I cannot explain how much I enjoyed that year. It was pretty similar to 4 Nefi v 1-13 for me ha. I look forward to going back when I`m done here. I can honestly say though, that even though this last year has been infinitely harder, it has been the best year of my life so far. Happy is the man that can say that every year.
Please tell me a little about your last Saturday and Sunday. What was it like? What did you do?
- My last Saturday and Sunday. Saturday we worked a ton and taught a bunch of lessons. Sunday we went to church, went to eat and then went with a member of the ward to find some new investigators. We taught 2 new people and the lessons were super good. Sunday nights we give our report of the work in our area. Then I popped some popcorn and read the an old Liahona. Its always a satisfying feeling to finish a week.
Love you Dad!
Mom - You did not tell me that Jake is getting married! But that's awesome! and it reminds me that I want to learn Portuguese ..but I digress. Moses and Abraham are so awesome, though not often used in missionary work ha. wow - 2 Bentleys, a Porsche 911 turbo S, and 2 Maserati´s. You won´t be surprised to hear that I have not seen any of those in the last year, let alone in a 2 mile stretch. Teaching in Tapachula is great! The people are a bit ignorant (not to be rude, that's just how it is) so we have to teach super clearly. It took a bit of an adjustment for me to be able to tell them the unadulterated truth. But now its pretty easy. I love you Mom!
Steph and Roy - Sorry I`m out of time. Thanks for your emails. I´ll be sure to write you next week. Love you!
Pictures -
My companion and I at Izapa |
my pathetic bucket |
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