What´s up? I´m not sure if I´ve told you this before but my companion and I have a tradition of saying, ´´Tapachula, Tapachula, thou that killest the missionaries, and stonest them which are sent unto thee.´´ Well, this week Tapchula truly stoned us. But that's OK. We´re still happy to be here and keep working. I´ve found that the hardest weeks are the most purifying. It's truly a pleasure to serve here. I am convinced that there is no mission better than Mexico Tuxtla Gutierrez.
Here´s something I learned this week that I told my Mission President in my weekly letter. (Dang it, I just realized that I have to translate it). OK, anyway I said: ´´I truly don´t know what else to do. The good thing is that I´ve learned to be humble. President Packer once said, ´I know who I am, I am a nobody´, then turning to look at Elder Anderson (then a newly called 70) said ´and you, brother Anderson, you are a nobody too.´ then he added, ´If you ever forget it, the Lord will remind you of it instantly, and it won´t be pleasant.´´ Well, just like he promised it hasn´t been pleasant, but now I know who I am and who I depend on. It's been a lesson worth learning.
I am learning oh so much and trying so hard. I feel very blessed to be here. I´m loving life.
On to your emails:
Dad - Its always fun to hear about your projects around the house. They always bring a smile to my face. I still remember your talk in which you mentioned the Lord´s tender mercies and referred to one of the sago palms in the backyard. I love it.
1. Tell us about the Hygiene situation in your apartment? In Tapachula Central?
1. Hygiene situation...umm questionable at best. As you know now, the toilet doesn´t work. Neither does the sink. Nor the other sink where we wash our clothes. And the trash passes by very rarely, or at least when we aren´t home. So yeah. The case is similar in Tapachula in general.
2. Tell us about the most questionable thing you ate this week
2. Most questionable thing I´ve eaten - umm, nothing too bad. The meat is always questionable, but I don´t really think about it.
3. Tell us about the Elders Quorum Lesson this week
3. EQP lesson - My favorite member, brother Ovando, gives the lessons. He always has some funny one-liners.
4. Tell us about an investigator you taught this week.
4. An investigator we taught - Alejandra. She is one of the hardest people to teach that I´ve ever seen. It's not that she doesn´t understand or believe. It's that she believes everything!! Without a question (and without reading or praying) she declares that Joseph Smith is a prophet and that the Book of Mormon is true. She thinks anyone who is talking about God is telling the truth, and thus ends up as Paul would say, "as a child tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine."
5. Tell us what you brought with you that you did not need or have not used.
5. what do I not need - most of my p-day clothes. that's probably about it.
Thanks for your email Dad! I love you!
Mom - Sounds like you´ve got a good week coming up :) This week I was preparing a lesson for a group of missionaries and absolutely nothing came to mind. I stopped for a second, said a prayer, and immediately after was able to make a decisión and form a lesson. It turned out really well. So don´t worry about your talk, am sure it will go very well. Haha Elder Walker is awesome! I wish I got to hang out with President Monson ha. Well Elder Torres is good too i guess. :) I love you mom!
Andee Dawn - ra ra rarara ra ra rarara ra ra rarara Goooooooo Cougars! You have no idea how jealous I am that you get to see KVN play this year. I´ll miss him ha. I´m glad to hear that things are going well in the Single´s Ward. I hope Roy isn´t feeling too stressed. Thanks for the letter. Love you AD.
Well I guess that's all for this week. I love you guys. Keep it real. (haha I miss saying stuff like that - it just doesn´t exist in Spanish).
Elder Roth
As promised long ago, pictures of my terrible haircut.