First of all, congrats to Roy. He must be so deep in celebration that he didn´t find time to write me. I´m interested in hearing what his decision is. Thanks for your emails. I love them tons. This is coming in a bit late because we had a 3 zone activity today. We went to the Cañon de Sumidero again and played some sports. It was lots of fun.
We had a great week. 96 year old Marciano got baptized and confirmed- he is awesome. We are just loving the work.
Andee-Dawn - tell your husband to repent. He didn´t even tell me that he got accepted to Stanford. Have a great time at Soldier Hollow! Last time was awesome! Does Roy still have the same morning routine? you have to wake him up about 5 times, he asks you to make him some toast, etc. haha. That kid is hilarious. Love ya AD!
Steph - Its good to know that Ty and Ry don´t forget about me. One of the assistants when I got here was named Elder Barrow and he was from Houston, Texas. Your Stake Pres wouldn't happen to have a son that served in Tuxtla, would he? We do not have iPads...not even close. You know in An Idiot Abroad when Carl is talking about all the things China needs before it needs an iPhone? - same story here haha. Love ya Steph!
Dad - my tech savvy parents ha. The world of sports seems interesting. I´m really glad that you are back at home. Hopefully you can get back in the tradition of your early morning bike rides. Don´t forget to count the steps to the water :)
1. Why does it look to me like many of the homes are under construction, or otherwise not finished?
haha, that's a good question. If you are referring to the the fact that the sides aren't painted - that's just normal. Paint is expensive... if you refer to the the fact that there is a ton of sand and gravel in the street so that the people can mix cement, that is just normal too. People are always making something out of cement.
2. Have you received your iPads yet? The missionaries here in the Florida, Jacksonville mission have.
3. Tell us about an investigator that you are currently working with.
There are a bunch, but one of my favorites is Eduardo. His wife and daughter recently got baptized but he had to work Sundays so he couldn't go to church. He was finally able to get Sundays off though - so he´ll be baptized once he has his 5 attendances. (is that proper English?) He is awesome. This Sunday he was asking us when he can get a calling, because he wants to help out more in the branch. He is super solid.
4. What have you learned about prayer recently?
Lots. There is a section in Preach My Gospel called Accountability. It talks about how we ought to discuss our efforts and our results with the Lord. I have been doing that recently and I have founds lots of ways to improve. Too often we talk at the Lord - we need to talk with him. He listens. I don´t ask for many blessings anymore. More so, I just thank him for all that he has given me and talk with him about the things I need to improve.
Love you dad!
Mom - haha, you are hilarious. You gotta love fast and testimony meetings :) I talked with the President today - he said he´ll send in the endorsement, hopefully this week he´ll do that. I have absolutely no idea what I want to study when I get home. I'll talk with you guys about that when I get home. For right now I´m not going to worry about it too much.
Well, that's pretty much a week in the life of a Mexican missionary. Life is rocking. I am smiling and sweating (and smell so bad right now haha). Love y'all :)
Elder Roth
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