Thanks for your emails. I always look forward to them.
Dad - You made a good choice on that car. It's awesome that Dunn Avenue has so many missionaries- I seem to recall the Jax Beach ward having 10 missionaries at one point, but 12 is unheard of. We are so far behind on the technology. But I won´t complain - we are doing some good work here. I hope the Xpedex project goes well and doesn´t require the self denial you put yourself though in January and February.
1. What are some of your recent favored scriptures?
-that's tough. One of my favorites is Alma 26:22. We have been using that one with the members to help them realize their potential to bring souls to Christ - all they have to do is have faith, pray, repent, and do good works; and they can bring thousands of souls to salvation. Not bad.
2. How is Mexico different than you anticipated while in the MTC?
- haha in every way. It's tough to answer that because I really don´t remember what I was expecting in the MTC. But it's poorer, hotter, and better haha :)
3. Tell us about an investigator you are currently working with?
- We found a guy named Jeremias this week. He is really really humble and just wants to learn. We invited him to get baptized in the first lesson and he accepted without a second thought. He is really cool.
4. What sights and sounds are around you today?
- Same as always. Street vendors, Vespas without mufflers, horns, etc.
5. Are you still using your Unisource bucket, or any bucket?
- ha! The Unisource bucket isn´t mine. But yes I´m using buckets often - I still use them for laundry sometimes, they are my mop buckets, trashcan, etc.
Have a great week Dad. I love you!
Mom - That sounds like an awesome baptism. There are so many good people in the world just waiting to hear us open our mouths. Sorry I don´t have much time to respond today. But I love you! Tell Sheila that I got her package this week and send her a ´´thank you´´ for me. :)
Roy - Congrats again. I got your Christmas card - you and AD are the best. I hope that what I have said plays absolutly no role in your decision process. haha. Have a good week. Love you bro.
AD - Thanks for reminding Roy to write me this week. You're making my mouth watering just by mentioning Cafe Rio´s salads. They are so good. I have no idea where I want to live or anything like that. Perhaps next week I´ll know... Root for my cougars! Love ya AD.
Well, time's up.
I love you guys!
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