What´s up? Things are going well here in Ocozocoautla. Time is seriously flying by. This week I really did include pictures I hope you like them. The second picture is a picture of my zone - this week I want to tell you a little bit about the incredible missionaries that surround me.
Elder Parker - Probably the most pleasant person ever. He is super humble and a bit quiet - but you can feel his spiritual power. He is a quarterback recruit at BYU and has 10 weeks remaining. He was a 5 time high school state champ at Hurricane High School (yes hurricane as in hurican, lavercan, and toquerville). once in football, twice in basketball, and twice in track and field.
Hermana Hernandez - Hilarious. She is a convert. The missionaries contacted her one day while she was in the street smoking a cigerette. She intended to rudely decline the missionaries invitation to visit her but found herself accepting. The same happened with all of the commitments - she intended to say no to reading the Book of Mormon, praying and being baptized, but ended up saying yes to them all. I wonder if she intended to say no to her bishop's invitation to serve a mission...
Elder Merrill - 18 year old from Provo Utah. His dad is a finance professor at BYU. Awesome kid.
Hermana Zuñiga - is a great grandmother in the mission and only has 8 months. She was trained 2 transfers, then trained 2, her trainee trained, and her trainees trainer is training. Pretty intense.
Etc. All of the missionaries here are an inspiration and I love them.
Dad - I would definitely recommend coming down for the Urvan. You could probably get a good deal on a used Combi. I can´t believe Roy is actually going to graduate - who would have thought. ha. :) Negative - no pot lucks
1. Are the Ward members feeding you?
they feed us lunch. We don´t eat dinner until we get home at night.
2. What percent of meals do you have provided?
- haha recently about 50. The members always forget. We send them messages to remind them and they don't read them. We call them and they don't answer...
3. How much money do you spend on food each month?
- Probably about 800 pesos. Enough for breakfast and dinner everyday for a month if you're thrifty.
4. What is the rent cost on your home?
- 1800. not too bad. In Tapachula I paid 800 ha.
5. Why do the people like concrete so much?
Helaman 3:7 And there being but little timber upon the face of the land, nevertheless the people who went forth became exceedingly expert in the working of cement; therefore they did build houses of cement, in the which they did dwell.
What goals have you set for the next 3-4 months? Do you make goals that far out? Or is the life of a Missionary more focused on the near future? How do you like being a trainer? Do you keep in contact with any of your pad jobs from freshman year? Too many questions?
-None really. In terms of numbers we dont have any goals that go that far, but I could make some for personal progress. We have daily, weekly and monthly goals. I like being a trainer - really I enjoy any opportunity to teach. I keep in touch with Mike Ricks from freshman year. From this week on I probably have a friend finishing their mission every week. Not too many. :)
Love you dad
Andee - Fear the tree. I love it! Are you excited to be a Cardinal? It would have been nice for Roy to tell me, but you are a much more reliable source haha. haha I can´t believe you are selling the computer Roy won. He should give it to me to make up for destroying my Acer haha. just kidding. In response to your command, ´´Go find those ready to hear the word!´´. I say, ´´yes, I´ll´´ haha. Love you AD
Mom - I hope you're having a good time in Toquerville. What is BLM? I like your insight from Preach My Gospel. I like how that part says over and over ´´they need´´, ´´they yearn,´´ etc. My lesson from this week is just about doing what you are asked to do and letting the Lord do the rest. We are asked to do at least 140 contacts each week but hardly anyone in the mission actually does it. So this week my companion and I decided to do it - and we did. We were so blessed. We ran into so many people that were prepared to hear the gospel. Too often we use all our efforts to do the work, but we ignore the things we are asked to do. This week we went back to basics and were very blessed.
Well, time is just about up. I love you guys!
Elder Roth
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Con Eduardo |
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My Zone |
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