Elder Hales slayed it!!
I always love your emails, but this week they were especially funny. My ribs hurt haha. It's been a really good week. I´m glad to hear you all enjoyed the conference - I got to see all 5 sessions and I loved it! How are the general authorities so cool?
I guess I really don´t have much to report so I´ll just get on to your emails.
Dad - Sorry to offend you for your Mexican food habits haha. I guess you'll just make yourself some shells and cheese from now on. :) Haha I don´t remember saying that I am in a crazy crazy place but it's true - every day I just look around me and can´t help but smile. President Packer's talk was really good - I enjoyed that one too. Sorry about the car situation...my suggestion would be a Nissan Urvan - you could use it to carpool people to work like the combis. You´d have the coolest ride in town.
I enjoyed Elder Ballard´s talk as well and I´m glad you are taking on the challenge. I´ve read that book (Preach My Gospel) tons of times - this week I learned more about humility. The seccion about it in chapter 6 talks about the symptoms of pride, which I can see in myself. I´m trying to be more humble. I'd recommend you start this week in chapter 1. That's always been my favorite chapter. I especially like the quotes from the Presidents of the church at the end. If every member understood the missionary purpose and our missionary responsibility we would see even more miracles than we see now...that's a lot of miracles.
1. How do the members react to conference? Do they come to the building? Do many have internet connections? Are they able to watch at all?
- It depends on their commitment level. Some see it as a week off, others as the highlight of their 6 months. They go to the stake center in Tuxtla - though I don't know why because our chapel has internet. About 30 percent of the members have internet in their house.
2. Tell us about your trainee companion?
- My companion is named Elder Stephens. He is from Las Vegas. He is 18 years old and he is learning quickly. He´ll be a really good missionary :)
3. What percent of American missionaries become very fluent in the Spanish language? Are there any that just cannot master it?
- Most get pretty proficient, with varying levels of mastering the accent. We had one that spoke perfectly - people thought he was a Mexican. There are some that never really get it down as well.
4. Do you anticipate being able to attend the Tuxtla Gutierrez Temple within the next 4 months?
- I should go the last day of my mission. Other than that - no.
5. Do you know if any of the people you have taught have been able to receive the Endowment? If they did, would you be able to go?
- I´m not sure if anyone I have baptized has received the endowment. A lot of people I have taught have received it. If one of my converts gets sealed and I am in Tuxtla I can go. Other than that I won´t be going.
Thanks for your email. I think all is well in Provo ha -
Mom - I would love some 86 degree weather. It feels like it's about 86°C out here. I´m sweating all over the place right now ha. Elder Bednar's talk was a good one. Among other lessons, I liked the subtle - do what your wife says because if you don´t you´ll probably end up looking like an idiot. ha. Enjoy your last 2 Institute classes! I love you!
RAD - You guys made me laugh so hard. That carry on bag was one of the most brilliant moments of my life. I can´t believe they let me though security with that. I´m glad you liked Stanford - I´m cool with visiting Palo Alto anytime ha. Also, when Dad drives right next to you without ever looking over. funniest thing ever. Enjoy your last 2 weeks at BYU. I love you guys.
Steph - Poor little Chey bears. :( I´m glad to hear you like my emails. Those are some good insights - I especially like the vacuum cord analogy. You are tougher than your tough times. Love ya!
I have pictures for you but the computer doesn´t recognize my card. I have so much more I want to tell you but time's up. I love you guys.
I´m looking forward to talking to you on Mother's Day.
Till next week
Elder Roth
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