Thanks for your emails this week. Roy was even kind enough to send me one... ha. I hope you enjoy your time in the promised land of Provo - I love that place. This week was good - just an average missionary week. We taught, we walked, we contacted, we prayed, we ate, we had diarrhea, etc. haha. Too much info?
I did exchanges with Elder Merrill this week. It was really fun. He has 9 weeks in the mission but is already pretty good at Spanish and really good at teaching. We taught a really good lesson to a woman named Cathy. (said Caty, btw). She is a young single mother of 3. She expressed to us the difficulty she had in forgiving others, including her ex-husband and other family members. Elder Merrill and I were on exactly the same page as we explained to her how God could change her heart. We shared the scripture from 1 John 4 that says we love God because he first loved us. And went on to explain that she could feel God`s love and forgiveness in her life - then and only then will she find the love in her heart to forgive others. It was all super spiritual. God does not ask us to do what he does not. When we find it hard to develop his attributes we would do well to see the way He shows those attributes in our lives. Does God love me? Is He patient with me? Does He forgive me? Does God listen to me? The answer is yes. Then, how can I do any less for my fellow man?
Dad - I`m glad you enjoyed your Easter Sunday and sacrament meeting. BYU is the best.
1. How was Easter in Ocozoco?
Ridiculous. The Catholics here are nuts. The burned puppets of Judas Iscariot, drank lots of beer, and missed the point of it all. I do not enjoy Easter here.
2. Did you have any investigators on Sunday?
Only 1. It was rough. But that's the way it goes sometimes.
3. Were you able to participate in any music on Sunday?
I played piano in Sacrament and Priesthood. Luckily we don´t have a ward choir - that would just be suffering.
4. Do you want Roy and me to purchase a computer for you for school. I am not sure you will have loads of time to shop, so I thought you might want us to just get you one. But, if you want to pick, I don't want to override that.
- You can if you want. I´m not to picky. But if you don´t want to don´t worry about it.
5. What is the worse in Spanish for Hamburger? Do you ever get any of those?
- word? hamburguesa. I avoid them whenever possible. They are gross and an almost guaranteed source of salmonela. (surely that is not how you spell that.)
I don´t have any special knowledge on ties. Most of mine are stained, they won´t be coming home with me. The best ones are the ones from DI. I haven´t burned any nor will I. Thanks for your email dad! I love you!
Mom - Sounds like it will be a good week. The story about your Dad´s trophy made me laugh out loud. haha. As for the ecclesiastical endorsement perhaps President Cardenas has deemed me unworthy haha. Just kidding. I´m a good boy. I love you mom!
Andee - This week you will take your last test! The day has finally come! haha I don´t remember asking you that, but I believe it. haha. How have you put up with us so long? ha. Love ya!
Roy - Haha the reasons for choosing Stanford over Chicago weren´t exactly what I expected but I guess thats cool. That is a lot of money in the endowment. The school motto should be : huérfanos sonrían y estén felices. (Orphans smile and be happy) But I guess the real one is pretty good too. Yep, I´m a trainer. and I´ve been a DL for the last 8 transfers. We have 10 zones in the mission - one of them speaks only Tzotzil. I think this mission is full of good missionaries - I´m happy to do whatever President wants me to do.
Well I guess that's about all for this week. Sorry no pictures.
Elder Roth
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