This place is awesome!! haha. I had a super super ridiculously good week this week - probably my best in the mission. I got here on Monday night, (I didn´t really get to bed till about 12:30 - transfers are crazy). On Tuesday I had to wake up early to take a missionary who had finished the mission to the bus station. Then we had a meeting in Tonalá. On Wednesday we had our district meeting with our legitimately crazy DL - it was over two and a half hours long and a good part of it focused on 2 Kings 20:17. haha. Thursday was normal. Friday we had a meeting with Elder Johnson, an Area Seventy, which was totally awesome - after the meeting we found a new family of 8 to teach! On Saturday my comp and I went to Tuxtla for another meeting with Elder Johnson (We are the ZL´s) which was even cooler. Then on Sunday we had lots of investigators at church - including 3 of the 8 from that family and we had a killer lesson with a woman named Saraí. (I´ll tell you her story some day - its pretty long. But she has some Job-like faith.) It was pretty intense.
Thanks for your emails. or as Dad would say Presh8cha. haha
A^D - Sounds like you guys had a pretty good week. I´m so excited that you are going to be at home when I go back! We are going to rip it up like only an awkward rm and his delk brother and wife can. ha. I hope Ingrid is still treating you well - she's a good car. As for all the stuff about when I get home I prefer not to think about it. All I know is that I want to go to the doctor, dentist, and dermatologist asap. haha. Love ya AD have an A number 1 super winner week. :)
Dad - Thats so cool - 3 missionaries leaving the same day from the same ward. Alex will love his mission.
1. Tell us of one thing that surprised you about your new area
- There is actually green stuff here! There are really pretty mountains and it's all super pretty. Arriaga is known as the Windy City of Mexico. There are gusts every day of about 50mph.
2. Tell us what your living arrangements are like. What type of buckets you have, etc.
- First things first, we have air conditioning in our room!!! :) I cannot explain how awesome that is. The house is pretty much like all my other houses - we are well stocked with buckets. The only problems are a couple of rats...but they´ll soon feel the wrath of elder roth :)
3. Tell us about your new companion.
- My new companion is awesome. He went to BYU with me and we kind of know each other. Mikele knows him as well. His name is Elder Stucki. He is going to finish his 2 years in the mission this Friday but he got to extend to 25 months. As they say in the mission I am going to kill him (aka be his last comp). We are having a great time together and seeing lots of miracles.
4. What does the new area look like? Is there any place in America it reminds you of?
- The closest thing in terms of looks is Central Utah. The mountains remind me of Utah - just a greener Utah.
5. How many investigators do you have?
- Quite a few. We are going to drop some of them though, and look for some more people who will keep their commitments. In missionary terminology we have to find the chosen.
6. Tell us what you did on Sunday.
-Wake up, study, pick up investigatores, go to church, play the piano, teach Gospel Principles, teach Young Men, meet with branch prez, eat, teach Saraí, teach some more, teach some more, finish off my box of grits (haha I got the package Friday - most of the food is already gone...I miss American food), take reports, sleep.
7. Tell us what you learned about Heavenly Father this past week.
- Things that can be learned but cannot be taught. :) He lives.
8. Describe the room you are sitting in right now.
Its a 12 computer ciber with some pictures of New York, Paris, and San Francisco adorning the walls. It smells a bit like a public bathroom but not too bad haha.
I´m glad you´re enjoying the 550. Have a good week in Cinci. Love you Dad!
Mom - I am an advocate of reading conference talks daily. I have read about a billion on my mission. What are the 9 basic doctrines? I haven´t heard of that. President Packer is the coolest! His talk, ´´The Twelve´´ continues to blow my mind...´´of him I bear witness; of him I am a witness.´´ So powerful . I´m pretty sure my EE is in now! :) Love you mom!
Roy - I´m looking forward to reading the first drafts of Blood in the Water. haha. I always thought it was called Speckled Richard haha. Love ya Roy!
Love you guys!
Elder Roth
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