Well, its been another great week in the mission. We taught quite a few lessons with a member present. That's good. The investigators progress a lot more when there is a member by their side. We are really just enjoying the work, the walking and the miracles.
Thanks for your emails today. They were even better than normal :)
Dad - I´m glad you were able to see the Fort Lauderdale Temple dedication. Hopefully you and Mom can go and visit it :) You can never go wrong with alpine white but on a 5 sedan carbon black might be even cooler.
1. What is the best smelling thing you encounter in a normal day?
- We encounter lots of poor smelling things daily, but not too many good smells. One of my favorite smells is the smell of the leaves of a lime tree. They are very fragrant. Also as a funny note, Elder Shelley always said, ´´it smells like sin´´ whenever a girl walked by with lots of perfume. haha. It made me laugh every time.
2. How is your backpack holding up? What has your mission taught you about backpacks? What type of backpack will you want for school?
- the backbag is pretty shreaded. But we aren´t allowed to use them anymore. I bought a 280 pesos faux leather bag that lasted me 2 days haha. Since then I just carry my scriptures around in my hands ha. Does my BMW backpack still exist or did Roy destroy that as well? haha. I´m really not too concerned about it.
3. How is your mission shaping how you will act in Elders Quorum when you are back at school?
- A wonderful question. First of all I have learned to "lift where you stand". You don't have to be the EQP to have a positive influence on the quorum. Second - never, ever miss a month of home teaching. Third - often, especially with less active members once a month is not often enough. I could go on. Suffice it to say that these 2 years of service will change the remainder of my years of service.
4. What have you found to be most useful to you as a missionary, that you might not have anticipated before you left?
- Umm, perhaps the importance of group cooperation and a combined effort to move things along. As missionaries we spend every minute of every day trying to help people - but that's not enough. Most people need quorum or class members to visit them as well. As another comment - a bishop, even bishops as good as I´m sure Bishop Maughan is, cannot make a ward be successful by himself. Missionaries, even the ones that are way better than me, can´t make wards grow by themselves, etc. We are in this together.
5. Tell us something humorous that you and your companion did this week.
- Every day is humorous in Chiapas. haha. I´ll tell you this Sunday some good stories.
Steph - I´m glad you enjoyed your time in Provo. I love that place. You are the best. Love ya Steph!
Mom - Elder Ballard has given some really good talks lately. I´m a fan. I also can say that those men are very much in touch. They are amazing. Elder Anderson gave a talk while I was in the MTC and during his testimony at the end he bore his apostolic testimony of Jesus Christ. As he did so I had a powerful feeling that that man KNOWS. He knows. I have tried very hard to make my testimony powerful like his. I know I´m no special witness - but I do have a witness. Jesus Christ lives. I love you mom!
Roy - Shut up old man! hahahaha. Funniest moment of my life. Rough news on the A-, BYU volleyball, and the such. But the world keeps going. I love Alma 34:31 (Yea, I would that ye would come forth and harden not your hearts any longer; for behold, now is the time and the day of your salvation; and therefore, if ye will repent and harden not your hearts, immediately shall the great plan of redemption be brought about unto you. ) as well. Immediately is a great word.
Andee - Congrats on finishing up at the Y. I must say that I am in no way looking forward to finishing my time there (or here.) I think a PC would be good. But a MAC is fine too haha. Does that narrow it down for you?
Well, I love you all. I´m looking forward to this Sunday! Sorry for my poor English.
Elder Roth
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