I´m in Tuxtla! I only have about 10 minutes so this will be short, but all is well :) It´s 6:18am right now and its already about 90° and super humid. One of the advantages of not having air conditioning is that last night I slept just fine on a bare mattress with no sheets because it was so warm. You certainly wouldn´t mistake this place for the USA, its totally crazy! But I love it! Our travel day yesterday was super long and confusing but it was pretty good all said. I gave out a Libro de Mormon to a guy who was heading to Venezuela, which was pretty cool. I also saw Tad R. Callister and Elder Stanley Ellis in the Salt Lake airport.
I wish you could see it here. Its so awesome! I´ll be sure to take some pictures and hopefully I can send them on my next pday. Ok, I gotta go
I love you,
Elder Clark Roth
If you would like to write a letter to Elder Roth, send it to:
Elder Clark Alan Roth
México Tuxtla Gutiérrez Mission
Apartado Postal 278
29000 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas
Send packages to:
Elder Clark Alan Roth
México Tuxtla Gutiérrez Mission
Calle Jazmines #210
Fracc. Los Laureles
29020 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas
If you use a private carrier, as opposed to USPS
you will need to add the Mission home phone number which is:
52 961-671-9761
Also, he can receive email from anyone!!
(He just can't reply via email)
Please email him at:
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