This week has been totally rocking. I can definitely call home from the airport. I'll probably wait till I'm in Houston to call, so I think that will be around noon. I'm not quite sure though so it would be great if you could try to keep the afternoon somewhat open. And I'll go ahead and call the house (because I still haven't memorized your cell phone number mom haha).
Conference totally rocked! We did indeed go a bit insane with the new missionary age requirements - I refrained from clapping or shouting but I was pretty much dying with excitement. As soon as President Monson said "we've also taken the Young Women into consideration" I knew Mikele would be going! My heart was beating fast the entire first session because I was so excited. From what I've heard BYU is going insane with applications - those poor Bishops :) Also I support the decision to go as soon as possible for Mikele because the MTC is going to be totally insane this summer. Right now the capacity is about 4,000 missionaries; they're anticipating 10,000...
I'm glad you got the pictures, it was cool to run into Boman.
Dad - Hanna Park sounds awesome have fun. That reminds me of something funny related to bikes. One of my teachers went to the Colombia Barranquilla mission, where it is 105 and 90% humidity everyday. He had a bike for a total of 4 days on his mission before it was stolen. He said it was the best 4 days of his mission haha. Needless to say I'm not anticipating riding a bike - at least not for long ;). This also reminds me of something kinda funny. In Spanish there are two ways to say "you", tu and usted. (sorry there isn't a Spanish keyboard option on this computer, so no accents.) Missionaries usually use usted because it is more formal but when we pray we use tu because it is more intimate. I've been praying so much in Spanish now, that when I pray in English I kinda have to translate it from Spanish, so now I always say you instead of thee because it is less formal/ I'm just a delk who can't speak English or Spanish anymore.
Well, I am SOOO excited to go to Mexico. The MTC is great but, I won't lie, I'm ready for it to be over. I'm jealous of all the new missionaries who will only have 6 weeks here. I'm glad to hear that Chiapas is the most beautiful place in the world - I have no doubt that I will love it! I'm really not at all nervous, which is cool. I've been trying my hardest everyday so I know that the Lord will bless me with everything he wants me to have. I've been thinking that if the Lord wanted me to speak Spanish perfectly, I would. So obviously there is something for me to learn from the hard times. I've decided its that I get to see more easily that this is the Lord's work and not my own, and he can do his own work.
Elder Bednar spoke to us this week, but I'm kinda out of time. I'll just leave you with a spiritual thought.
This is mission prep in one scripture: Alma 26:13 which reads:
Behold, how many thousands of our brethren has he loosed from the pains of hell; and they are brought to sing redeeming love, and this because of the power of his word which is in us, therefore have we not great reason to rejoice?
"The power of his word which is in us" is what makes all the difference. So how do we get it? I'll leave that up to you to find out.
I love you all,
Elder Clark Roth
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