I´m tired. Really really tired. But that's ok. This last week has been really good. The work is going pretty well. We´re trying to get some more participation from the members, which is a bit tough since we don´t have a Bishop or a ward mission leader. But we´re trying to find the way and not make any excuses.
As you may have picked up from my other emails, I´m pretty addicted to general conference talks. This week I really enjoyed Elder Cook´s talk Personal Peace, the Reward of Righteousness and President Uchtdorf´s from 2011, Forget Me Not. Sometimes I feel pretty weighed down with all the work I have to do. The mission goal is to baptize every week. And I still haven´t figured out how to do it. But I´m learning to just keep pressing forward. The words of the prophets echo in my mind all day long, as well as the wise advice from Finding Nemo, ´´just keep swimming.´´
I am just as happy as ever, but never have I ever been so tired. I´m not running on my own energy right now, it's coming from another source.
Mom - Thanks for the update from Kel. I´m glad to hear that some of my ridiculous traditions live on (the finger point in the car haha). Your "Every Day I´m Shufflin'" comment made me chuckle. That reminds me...in my planner I try to think of a new way to write in my study block. Some of my favorites have been: get my nerd on, scratchin' the cerebro (brain in Spanish), and some others I can't remember. My new compi is great. His name is Elder Torres and is from Oaxaca. He is super funny and teaches really well. Sorry, I didn´t bring my camera this week, but I´ll send you a picture next week. Love you!
Dad - Affirmative on the sweat rag, negative on the beef jerky. I´m sure it was enjoyed by the Mexican officials though. Pobre Tim Hudson. that's a bummer. Woohoo! Michael D! Hopefully he gets called to the Mexico Tuxtla Gutierrez mission. I call dibs on training him!
1. Have you gone to a restaurant there? I know you can't eat from street vendors. But what about a sit down and get served place?
- I have indeed gone to a restaurant, but haven´t been too impressed. I make better food in my apartment (and I do not make good food in my apartment...).
2. How long since you gave a talk in Sacrament meeting?
- I gave a sacrament talk 2 weeks ago, I found out that I would give it during the sacrament meeting haha. It went pretty well though.
3. Are you asked to perform Priesthood Blessings very often? Asked by a PH holder to go to see someone? Go to a hospital to see someone?
- I give a lot of priesthood blessings, but mostly just in people´s houses. I´ve got some pretty sweet Thomas S. Monson-esque experiences with showing up at the right time without knowing.
4. Tell us about your new companion. Are you the Senior? Have you trained anyone yet?
- I am indeed the senior compi, but that doesn´t really mean anything haha. We are working together well. It's sad for me to say that I haven´t trained yet...I have wanted to for all of my mission, but that's ok.
5. Tell us about a zone conference.
- Zone Conferences are kinda funny. It's mostly just announcements that we´ve heard a 100 times before, then a bit of a lesson, and then we practice. The conferences with the President are hilarious though. He is pretty similar to you in his sense of humor. Have an A number 1 super winner week! Love you!
Steph - hahaha, typical Tom - employing misfits and criminals. ha. That's so great that you could do the temple work for Brenda. I miss going to the temple to be honest. But it won´t be too long till I´m there again. Sounds like Tyler gave an epic talk. You guys are awesome. I can´t believe Cheyenne is still alive haha. Que tengan una buena semana. (Tom can translate that for you if you need it haha.)
Andee - You win the most faithful sibling award haha. Roy is such a bum. ha jokes I know you guys are super busy. Congratulations to Eayden! and thanks for the spiritual thought. It was a nice boost.
Well I´m going to go home and take a nap. Sorry for the shortish email. I love you guys.
Elder Clark Roth