I´m glad to hear the Atlanta trip was a great success. Boiled Peanuts, NASCAR, Williamson Bros., Arrowhet. Brings back good memories. The only thing that could make it better is some Lynyrd Skynyrd and a six pack. haha. I´m proud to be a southern boy, kinda... haha.
Things are going quite well here. We´ve improved the area drastically and we´re confident there are good things to come. I truly love missionary work, and am glad to see the great surge in the work. This is, in every sense of the phrase, a life changing experience.
As always, my life is hilarious. To illustrate the point, let me share with you a brief experience. This week they gave us some pills to ´´deworm´´ us. I´ll try not to be too graphic, but suffice it to say it worked very well. haha. For the first time in months my stomach feels normal. Life is good haha. Also 1 question: Is it a sin that on fast Sunday I always look for the biggest piece of bread and the fullest cup of water during the sacrament? haha. I think it gives God a good laugh.
Well on to your emails:
Andee-Dawn - Sounds like the tubing experience went well haha. (I have a bruised right leg and knee, bruised chin, bruised sternum and broken capillaries on my left wrist.) haha. I´m glad you liked the South. I´m not sure if Roy or Dad had the nerve to tell you, but there was a time that we were quite fixated with NASCAR. I could still probably name all the drivers...haha. Thanks for the pictures. I´m amazed you got Roy into a v-neck haha. And I´m digging your watch. That is an intense spiritual thought haha. ("Some find it difficult to withstand the mockings and unsavory remarks of foolish ones who ridicule chastity, honesty, and obedience to God’s commands. But the world has ever belittled adherence to principle. When Noah was instructed to build an ark, the foolish populace looked at the cloudless sky and then scoffed and jeered—until the rain came.
Must we learn such costly lessons over and over again? Times change, but truth persists. When we fail to profit from the experiences of the past, we are doomed to repeat them with all their heartache, suffering, and anguish. Haven’t we the wisdom to obey Him who knows the beginning from the end—our Lord, who designed the plan of salvation—rather than that serpent, who despised its beauty?") True, though. Just like is says in Ether 12:26 (i think) ´´fools mock, but they shall morn.´´ Indeed Dwight Schrute's life changing phrase applies to us all, ´´Don´t be an idiot.´´ Have fun in Orlando!
Dad - I´m pretty jealous that you got to eat at the brothers. As for the Quest thing, I´m not entirely sure what it is, but I´ll do my best to provide some half useful advice. I think its important that they suffer to some degree. Obviously you can´t send them out there to die, but if they are to appreciate what others did they have to feel in some small degree what they felt. They need to learn to apply what they learn to their lives. They need to understand that their trials are different and the way in which we suffer has changed. Nevertheless, as we put God´s will before ours, and suffer with patience, we leave a legacy that changes the face of all generations who follow. I also recommend that you do something similar to what we did - give the youth some time to go be alone and write what they feel. And I certainly recommend the chopping off of as many chicken heads as possible haha.
1. How are things in your Ward? Who presides?
- good. The former first counselor presides, which I don´t understand at all, because without a Bishop there is no bishopric. But I try not to ask questions haha.
2. Has the rainy season started? What's it like?
2. Has the rainy season started? What's it like?
- yeah, it started in May and will continue till November. The weather here is similar to Florida, just a bit more hot, more humid, and the sun is stronger. On days when the weather is really rough it's akin to how one feels after mowing our yard in the middle of a summer day. It messes with your brain! haha.
3. Tell us about Tortillas-
3. Tell us about Tortillas-
- It would take years to express all of my thoughts haha. Well, they have sustained me for the last little while and I appreciate them for that. The ones here aren´t as good as the ones you can buy from the mexi store in Jax Beach. Fun fact: you can make a drink out of them by burning them and then simmering them in water. I haven´t tried it and if things go well it will stay that way haha.
4. Does the Ward use the standard Himnos book? Do you get to help?
- Yep, we use himnos. Its got a few songs that don´t exist in English. like Placentero Nos Es Trabajar, Si La Via Es Penosa, Por Que Somos, and a few others. (in English: Its a Pleasure For Us To Work, If The Way Is Full Of Trial, Weary Not, and Why Are We). I play the piano, and they treat me like a celebrity for it. haha.
5. Now that you are in the inner city, are there differences to your daily routine?
5. Now that you are in the inner city, are there differences to your daily routine?
- Not much. My area is pretty small so I hardly ever ride in combis. And I walk the same roads about 12 times every day. But its pretty much the same. If you want to look it up my area is from Central Norte to 18 Norte, and Central Poniente to 19 Poniente.
Have a good week, love you dad.
Mom - Sounds like a pretty sweet museum. I´m certainly grateful that no meteorites have ever hit our house. ha. My address is 5 Poniente between 16 and 18 Norte. It's the big pink apartment. :) I love you, and hope you have a killer week!
Roy - I love Barbara Jeans! And nothing compares to the brown stuff haha. :) actually to be honest everyone just wants the whipped cream. Have fun with Andee in Orlando. I hope its a bit cooler there than it is here, but I kinda doubt it.
Mikele - How´s life? A quick story that will certainly put a smile on your face. In a district meeting I asked a new American, ¨que es caridad?´´ next thing I know he is explaining that we can´t live in union libre and everything else about the law of chastity. I was going to try to play it off without embarrassing him, but the other missionaries couldn´t contain the laughs haha. caridad (charity) vs. castidad (chastity). Gets them every time. haha. Hope things are going well and that the Spanish is coming along nicely. I love you and know you are an amazing missionary! Have a great week and baptize baptize baptize!
Well, time flies when you're writing to your family. I love you!
Elder Roth
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