Sorry about last week. I didn´t realized that I didn´t send the completed letter. My bad. Anyway this week was good. You´ll be pleased to know that I´m in an air conditioned cyber, yet still sweating. I don´t know how I do it - it must be a gift. This morning I helped move a water tank off someone's roof (I thought I was going to get crushed for sure) and then played some soccer with some other missionaries. I´m not as bad as I used to be! That said, I´m still a shame to the Roth name when it comes to playing soccer.
My companion and I have been visiting a ton of families in the ward recently. In fact every single one of them. Every week it seems that a different inactive family shows up at church. So that's good. We also are having success with our investigators - this week I got to go for a swim :) I feel blessed to be here.
Roy - ha not too long ago Mom and Dad saw Knuckleball as well. I want to see it when I get home. (btw Dick Trickle is definitely a cooler name). I can´t believe you went to your last BYU football game as students! That's so sad! I don´t ever want to graduate! I´m happy that the semester is going well. Enjoy your Thanksgiving break. (Remember the game we played in g&g´s house when I burned my tongue? haha) Things are going very, very well. I´m grateful to be a missionary.
Dad - I been in Tapa for 6 transfers. :) We´ll see if I get another. I hope you´re as obsessed with GC talks as I am - they are the best. Your new bathroom sounds like a considerably nicer place to be than mine haha. Mine gets worse every week :) It's still pretty hot here, buts it's way nicer than it used to be. From March through May it was soooo hot. I would just drip sweat - imagine the crash landing in Airplane - haha. From June till now it's rained every day which is pretty unpleasant as well. I´m so tired of having wet feet. But they say that December and January are relatively nice. :) From what they´ve told me the US soccer team totally saved Mexico. Whenever the national team plays here everyone stops working and they crowd around the nearest TV. People put their TV´s out in the street so more people can watch. It makes teaching a bit more difficult. ha. I hope you have a great week. Love you Dad.
Mom - whoa. That sounds like a pretty packed week. I feel like I would like LA now. But I´m still a bigger fan of tranquility. I wanna live on a farm! haha. Sometimes my head hurts so bad from the constant noise here in Central. haha Thanks for commenting on my haircut. Pretty sweet right? I did pay for it but it was only 20 pesos - whats that, like $1.70? The price in insults was far higher ha. But it's grown back now, all is well. Love you Mom!
Steph - Hey Steph - I hope you enjoy your trip to Dallas and the house that Jerry built haha. holy cow! I had no idea Sebastian Vettel was killing it like that! I´m so down to go see the race next year! That would be so so cool. Its tough to choose a favorite scripture. I have lots. But one that always comes to mind is Mosiah 2:41 (not too original but who cares.)
And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.
Wanna be happy? Want spiritual and temporal blessings? Wanna dwell with God forever? - Keep the commandments. Well, hope you have a fantastic week. Love ya Steph.
Well I guess that's about all for this week. I don´t have my camera. Thanks for writing me and encouraging me. I appreciate your prayers, your mail, and your faithfulness.
I know that this church is true. There is absolutely no doubt about it. The Book of Mormon is true and changes lives. If you haven´t read it, read it!
Love you all,
Elder C. Alan Roth :)
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