guess what! I´m tired. Transfers came and went, and Elder Torres and I are still here in Central. This will be my 7th transfer in Tapachula, 5th transfer in Central and my fourth with Torres. I think the stress here is causing premature balding but its good for ya ha. Just kidding. My hair isn´t going anywhere. I told my friend Elder Salgado before transfers that if the Lord decides to leave me here with my companion it means he trusts me more than I trust myself. It's good to see that that is the case. But honestly I´m so tired - the thought of 6 more weeks with my compy makes my brain hurt. :) But I love him.
Thanks for your emails. They are a much needed weekly encouragment and I thank you for your consistency. The work is wonderful in every sense of the word. It is a modern day miracle that almost 90,000 have accepted the call to serve. I love every missionary that stands beside me. They inspire me.
Mom - Hi mom! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you have fun in Hotlanta. I´ve found, as you have, that the scriptures always seem to have the perfect answer at the perfect moment. And of course, ´´great are the words of Isaiah.´´ This week I read chapter 60 - and I would highly recommend it. The Lord is hastening his work. I must admit that a sense of jealousy intruded my soul when you said that you took the sister missionaries to Lulu´s. You won´t be surprised to know that I don´t eat so well. :) But in ´´ the not-too distant-but-still-pretty-far- away future´´ I´ll be eating well again haha. I love you mom. Have a great week in the ATL!
Dad - You always seemed to get hosed at work. ha I made myself laugh out loud with the use of the word hosed. ha. Thanks for the football update. That was entertaining. NO! Brian McCann was the only player that actually lived up to his big contract on the Braves (*cough* Dan Uggla *cough*). Maybe they will pull Jonny Estrada or Jared Saltalamachia back. They were legit. ha. Where did you want me to go this transfer? I´d like to hear your input. I´m puzzled as to what to write... you didn´t send me any questions! Hope things go well up in Norcross. Love you dad!
Roy - ha. Hey elder bro. I remember your story about your companion screaming a word that I wouldn´t repeat when he got his transfer calls. I´m not so extreme, but I´m becoming more and more certain that I don´t want to marry a Mexican man. So that's less thing. But anyway, we are making the best of our time here. We´re actually having a good amount of success. Happy Birthday to Ingrid. (Did you know the gas pedal clicks when you floor it? ha :)) I remember fondly the M5 road trip. It was so fun. Enjoy your Thanksgiving break. Your Brit's joke made me laugh. Bueno- anyway. See you later.
Andee Dawn - your name is awesome. Words cannot explain how I envy your 31 degrees indicated there on Ingrid. Its so flippen hot here! I can´t imagine that Roy went an entire week without a single delk-esque action. You and Roy look great! You´ll have to go back to Provo with me someday so we can delk around again! Have a slamming semana.
This week we had a conference with Elder Valenzuela from the 70. It was pretty sweet. I got to play piano again; always good to entertain the GA´s - easy missionary points haha. It was a fantastic meeting. Our Mission President spoke and once again really raised my spirits. He said that his missionaries are clean and powerful. And promised the members that we can touch the hearts of their friends. (In Spanish you don´t knock doors, you touch them.) So president said. "I need you to invite your friends to listen to the missionaries. I don´t want them touching doors - I want them touching hearts." It's a big responsibility but I know that the Spirit can touch any willing heart. I´m far from perfect, but I am clean. And I know that I am but an instrument in the almighty hands of my Father.
Love you fam,
Till next week,
Elder Clark Roth
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