Guess what! guess what!! WE HAVE A BISHOP!!!! Yeah baby! and he is amazing. He has served previously as Bishop, Stake President, Counselor in the Temple Presidency, and High Counselor over missionary work. I`m so excited! We also got a new ward mission leader. And our zone had 3 times the average number of baptisms this month. not too bad eh? I´m a happy little guy.
This week was really good. Unfortunately however, my comp got one of his toenails removed and hasn`t been able to walk for the last 2 days. And let me tell you, it is really hard to find enough people to stay with each of us during the day so that he can rest and I can work. But we did a pretty good job of it. This week I finished Jesus the Christ. It's really good. When I get back I want to read Elder Talmage´s other books.
Mom - I`m glad you had a good week in Atlanta. I haven´t tried any Yucatecan food, but I´m sure its good. Have a great time with Steph and the boys. I´m grateful for you mom. You´re so wonderful. Travel safely.
Dad - It's good to hear that you finally got a day off and that things are going relatively well at work.
1. What ages of people did you teach this week?
- Just about everything. We have Estefany, 9. Sabel, 22. Fransisco, 48. Roberto Alfaro, 81. And just about everything in between.
2. How many copies of Preach My Gospel do you have? What languages?
- One in English. A big one in Spanish, and a mini in Spanish. I use them all about equally and my notes are strewn about in all 3. It's a bit of a mess.
3. How many times did you speak English this last week?
- More than usual. We have a new hermana in the district from Provo, Utah. She is so hilarious, and her Spanish is so...not that good. ha. So I talked to her in English a bit. Other than that I didn´t speak much in my mother tongue.
4. How reliable is your electrical service in your flat?
- You can count on it to be terrible. So I´d say its reliable. ha. Nah, just kidding. There is nothing wrong with it, it´s just that if you run two fans at the same time you loose some power. And if you use the iron the room goes dark ha.
5. How many times did you play the piano this past week?
- In Sacrament meeting. In a lesson with someone that had a little keyboard that was impossible to play, and last Monday after we played soccer.
6. Describe the room you are currently sitting in?
- The same one as always. Paint stripping off the wall, a sign that says no pornography, and today it's especially hot. :)
7. As you walk your area, what type of music do you normally hear?
- Everything. Mariachi, I´m Sexy and I Know It, 80`s rock in English, alabanzas (the highly apostate songs of other churches), the music they play in the bars (which you can only like if you're hammered drunk), and some other stuff.
8. Was there any recognition of US Thanksgiving? Did you even know it was this last Thursday?
- No, I actually forgot until about 8 pm.
9. Do you know what a Molcajete is?
- no idea.
10. How can we help you?
- help the missionaries at home.
Love you Dad, hope you have a great week and that you can go home soon. :)
Andee- hahahaha. Roy and my Dad have the gift of making any song ridiculous. I laughed so hard at your title. Yeah! Cougars eat Wolves! haha I`m glad you enjoyed the BYU basketball game from outer space ha. Have a good family home christmas tree. Maybe next time you can make it a family home send clark candy (haha just kidding, I don´t need candy. Everyone here has diabetes as is)
Roy - 1000 bucks! That's so much. I´m sure it will all be worth it. If not you can always come and live in Tapachula - life here is pretty cheap. I´m still hoping for MIT. ha. That way you can walk in the footsteps of the great James R Kearl. :) Have a good un!
Steph - Your boys are going to have the standard works memorized before their mission if they keep going at this rate! Have fun in Florida! I bet it's too cold to swim by now, but throw Ty in anyway ha. Jokes. Hope all goes well for Tom in Euroland. Love ya.
Well my family. Time runs short once again. I love you all so much. I feel the deepest gratitude for your support and love. I know that the gospel is true.
Elder Roth
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